
Welcome to The bright side of life!
I'm Rosanne, a life lover and a (new) blogger from The Netherlands. The bright side of life is my little contribution to the world of internet, sharing my love for life through music, art and food.
It was inspired by a few facebook notes I wrote in 2010.

Love for life
I believe that life is a true gift. And then a while ago I decided it's better to enjoy all of it. Yes, even when it gets a little though. As Jason Mraz sings in his song Life is wonderful: it takes a hole to make a mountain; we wouldn't know the joy of life without its down sides.

I don't play any instrument (although I tried flute and guitar) and it's better for me not to sing a long to songs. Why then music? Well, I love buying cds (yes, I do), going to concerts and I'm always trying to discover new artists.

That's a big term. covering a lot of ground for me: drawing, painting, photography, dance, (graphic) design... And I l do all of these things, one thing a bit better than the other, but just looking at it also makes me a happy person.

It started with baking cake, really. Just the thought that mixing a few ingredients together can make such a yummy thing... I'm not a cook, nor a baker, just a food lover. Trying recipes, watching cooking programms and go out for diner/lunch every once in a while. And always in to try something new.

Take a look at the Share the Bright Side Tumblr
Find some of my art (mainly drawings and paintings) on DeviantArt.

1 comment:

  1. Dacht ik moet toch eens kijken naar die blog waar je het over had ;)
    Your awesome! =)

    Greetings Simona
