Monday, 27 January 2014

2014 is the year of World Travel!

Hello 2014! I hope you had a good time celebrating the holidays! Now, why has it been so quiet on my blog? Well, I'm busy preparing for the trip of my life....

Since last year, inbetween the cooking, crochet and the short weekendtrips (like London, Paris and Stockholm), I've been saving my money carefully. And now I can share with you that, I'll be travelling the world in 2014! I'm in for some longterm travelling, starting in May for at least for 5 months (although, I still have an open-end-ticket).
 I started a bilingual travelblog(Dutch and English), first of all for family and friends, but of course if interested: you're more than welcome to follow along and share your own travel stories and tips.  I've already started my weekly posts (count on weekend days). 
Also, If you are on Twitter, you can follow me @roosroundtworld. 

Now, I need to find a new balance to manage both of my blogs... wish me luck!