Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Wisdom on Wednesday

One of the things I find inspiration in for life, whether it's the good or the bad; are quotes by people who, generally speaking, have a little more experience in life than me. Or just in proverbs, lyrics or books. Enjoy some inspiration to start the new month of February (time goes so fast...)! All are photos are taken by me, but of course quotes/lyrics used belong to the people quoted.

From the song Jesus Friend of Sinners by the great band Casting Crowns of whom I wrote earlier.

From the Dutch singer Wende Snijders (who's working on a new album at the moment, can't wait!).

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Thankful Thursday

It doesn't hurt anyone to remind yourself of how lucky you are and to be thankful for that. So, here's a little list that puts a smile on my face.

  • I'm thankful for being able to learn new things (chrochet!). It makes life fun.
  • And I'm thankful for the fact people invite me their home. In addition to that, I'm thankful for being able to bring a gift. 
  • People bring conversations, most of the time. Which I'm also thankful for, because they give me a chance to learn, laugh and be inspired. 
  • It's World animal day. And I have two sweet rabbits that I'm thankful for. They make me smile when i look outside. Of course they got a treat today, they earned it. 
  • I had a I-feel-so-blessed-moment about a week ago when catching this rainbow (actually it's two):

Inspired by the blog of Julie of Perfectly Imperfect (please go visit her inspirational blog, it's lovely.